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Your business in Box

Box is one of the fastest developing cloud services and we've got to say - they are doing great. have the best business plans for a small or large business.
Although at first look the admin panel looks complicated and filled with unusual stuff, if you take a better look and spare time to get familiar with the platform you'll find out that everything is exactly where it should be.
With Box business you won't need anything else in order to organize your staff and files.
By adding new participants you can set their acces type in 7 different levels :
- co owner
- editor
- viewer uploader
- preview downloader
- viewer
- previewer
- uploader

Sharing of files and folders happens easy and intuitive. You can send an email to all of your team members at once, or you can write an inside the platform message.
Also, every file and folder can be commented and mentions of team member can be included. You can assign a file to member and ad a due date. Later the user can mark it as a complete or reassign it to someone else.
The version history that Box keeps is 50, also there is a maximum file size of 5GB.
The admin can view a detailed stats on user activity.

With Box Business you can create a Office and Google documents with the help of additional app called Box Edit that will open Microsoft Office or Google documents on you PC and save then straight to you account.
If you work on a file it will be locked for the other participants and when you close it you can check out the past versions.

Box Business is a great solution if you are looking for a complex cloud to serve your needs. Content collaboration and user management at it's finest.

The Box Business plan cost is $15 a month with a minimum of 3 users.
The full list of available features:

Desktop Sync
Mobile Access
OneCloud Apps
SSL and At Rest Encryption
Two-Factor Authentication
Secure Sharing
Office Integration
Edit Documents
Rich File Preview
Access Permissions
File Locking
Access Stats
Version History
Content Security and Management
User Management
Audit Logs

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